Connect Painters
Where professional painters connect
If you are a painting company or General Contractor who struggles with finding reliable subcontractors and painters who are looking for residential or commercial painting work. Our easy-to-use online marketplace helps connect you with the best painters in your region. If you are a painter, you can bid on jobs right now. The low monthly fee can bid on as many as you want.
Regardless of your project size, we will can connect you with the right local painter in your hometown
Find a local paintersWe've got plenty of painting subcontractors looking for work in your area. Check out their experience and qualifications to help you decide which crew to hire.
Find Painters TodayWe've got jobs from painting companies and general contractors ready to bid on. Upload your qualifications, so hiring companies will know what you can do!
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Excellent Painters has found the Connect Painters systems to be the very best and easiest way to find and use painters.
It's so easy to find work with Connect Painters that I wouldn't know what to do without it.
As a woman in the painting world it's hard to get taken seriously. using Connect painters has made it easy to find jobs, bid on them, and get paid.