I specialize in painting, staining and refinishing kitchen cabinets mostly, but many jobs have been refinishing entry doors and furniture. I can custom match your existing stain color or a paint color, perform unique effects like glazing, antiquing, distressing, ceruse and more. With over 16 years of specific experience you will be 100% satisfied. I use the very best materials available in the industry specific for the application. You will be impressed with the attention to detail and finished product.
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I specialize in painting, staining and refinishing kitchen cabinets mostly, but many jobs have been refinishing entry doors and furniture. I can custom match your existing stain color or a paint color, perform unique effects like glazing, antiquing, distressing, ceruse and more. With over 16 years of specific experience you will be 100% satisfied. I use the very best materials available in the industry specific for the application. You will be impressed with the attention to detail and finished product.
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