We are a small family owned business here to provide the best craftsmanship service to our customers just the old fashion way, wether with only our crew of 3 guys or our extended family of general and special contractors from roofers, electricians, making no job to big or small. Interior or exterior home or business beautification is what we do just like you see on HGTV, background in Europe and Bay Area, here in Social since 1999. From color coordination to interior design of space to painting, vintage or French couture faux finish, Venetian plaster and real brush artistic murals to timeless floors, wood or natural stone to your basic house lift or exterior curb appeal, kitchens, bathrooms or splendid fireplaces. You can pay with Credit Card, Checks or Cash and financing is not available. Uses licensed electrical subcontractors for larger electrical projects.
Read moreFounded 2002
We are a small family owned business here to provide the best craftsmanship service to our customers just the old fashion way, wether with only our crew of 3 guys or our extended family of general and special contractors from roofers, electricians, making no job to big or small. Interior or exterior home or business beautification is what we do just like you see on HGTV, background in Europe and Bay Area, here in Social since 1999. From color coordination to interior design of space to painting, vintage or French couture faux finish, Venetian plaster and real brush artistic murals to timeless floors, wood or natural stone to your basic house lift or exterior curb appeal, kitchens, bathrooms or splendid fireplaces. You can pay with Credit Card, Checks or Cash and financing is not available. Uses licensed electrical subcontractors for larger electrical projects.
Read moreFounded 2002
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