Your Local Painter

ACD Painters

ACD Painters

47 Belmont Circle Unit B, Danbury, CT 06810

Company Profile

We are a full painting company that specializes in interior and exterior work. We also do power washing, stain removals, cabinetry work, restoration work and much more! The owner is present at every job and will make sure you are fully satisfied with every project.
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Types of Service

  • Exterior Painting
  • Interior Painting

Service Areas

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    Company Profile

    We are a full painting company that specializes in interior and exterior work. We also do power washing, stain removals, cabinetry work, restoration work and much more! The owner is present at every job and will make sure you are fully satisfied with every project.
    Screening Approved
    Interested in Connectpainters? Click here and become a partner

    Average rating

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    Types of Service

    • Exterior Painting
    • Interior Painting

    Service Areas