Your Local Painter

A+ Old Fashioned Painting

A+ Old Fashioned Painting

3951 S William Ave, Inverness, FL 34452

Company Profile

A+ provides professional, detailed and highest standards interior and exterior painting as well as Exterior cleaning services including all types of roofs. Most paint projects receive a 7 year warranty; roof restoration receives a 3 year warranty.Founded 1991
Screening Approved

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Types of Service

  • Exterior Painting
  • Interior Painting

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    Company Profile

    A+ provides professional, detailed and highest standards interior and exterior painting as well as Exterior cleaning services including all types of roofs. Most paint projects receive a 7 year warranty; roof restoration receives a 3 year warranty.Founded 1991
    Screening Approved
    Interested in Connectpainters? Click here and become a partner

    Average rating

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    Types of Service

    • Exterior Painting
    • Interior Painting

    Service Areas