Your Local Painter

Bennie A. Di Flavis Painting

Bennie A. Di Flavis Painting

13234 Cumberland Dr, Largo, FL 33773

Company Profile

Painting - Hours M-F 8AM-6PM or by appointment - No LIC# - 2 Employees - no subs - Home # 727-381-4120 - NICHE: Drywall - Cost is determined by jobFounded 1995
Screening Approved

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Types of Service

  • Exterior Painting

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    Company Profile

    Painting - Hours M-F 8AM-6PM or by appointment - No LIC# - 2 Employees - no subs - Home # 727-381-4120 - NICHE: Drywall - Cost is determined by jobFounded 1995
    Screening Approved
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    Average rating

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    Types of Service

    • Exterior Painting

    Service Areas