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House Painting by Robert Barry

House Painting by Robert Barry

1428 WASHINGTON ST, Evanston, IL 60202

Company Profile

In 1977, at the age of 26, Robert Barry began his house painting and handyman business . Over two decades later his love of managing and running his own business has only grown stronger. Whether you have a specific direction you’d like your painting job to go, or you’re open to creative suggestions, Robert can accommodate you. His exceptional eye for beauty and attention to detail will leave you with attractive results. Robert and his crew respect you and your home. They make it a point to leave each site cleaner than it was before. Exceptional home improvement skills give Robert a leg up on competition. Not only can he paint your home, but he can also help with carpentry and home maintenance. No job is too large or too small, he can hang pictures for you or tile your bathroom. There’s no better reason to go with Robert Barry, when everything you need is available in one company. Read moreFounded 1977
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Types of Service

  • Exterior Painting
  • Interior Painting

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    Company Profile

    In 1977, at the age of 26, Robert Barry began his house painting and handyman business . Over two decades later his love of managing and running his own business has only grown stronger. Whether you have a specific direction you’d like your painting job to go, or you’re open to creative suggestions, Robert can accommodate you. His exceptional eye for beauty and attention to detail will leave you with attractive results. Robert and his crew respect you and your home. They make it a point to leave each site cleaner than it was before. Exceptional home improvement skills give Robert a leg up on competition. Not only can he paint your home, but he can also help with carpentry and home maintenance. No job is too large or too small, he can hang pictures for you or tile your bathroom. There’s no better reason to go with Robert Barry, when everything you need is available in one company. Read moreFounded 1977
    Screening Approved
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    Types of Service

    • Exterior Painting
    • Interior Painting

    Service Areas