Your Local Painter

Paul II Painting

Paul II Painting

102 Roxbury Ln, Des Plaines, IL 60018

Company Profile

When you choose Paul ll Painting for your commercial or residential painting contract, you are making the smart choice of a company that you can trust. Our past clients will tell you that they received only the finest and speediest services, backed up by a long standing company name and dedication to integrity. Some of our specialties include; Interior and Exterior Painting, Drywall Installation, Repair, Patching, Faux Finishes, Pressure Washing and Color Matching to name a few. Read moreFounded 1979
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Types of Service

  • Exterior Painting
  • Interior Painting

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    Company Profile

    When you choose Paul ll Painting for your commercial or residential painting contract, you are making the smart choice of a company that you can trust. Our past clients will tell you that they received only the finest and speediest services, backed up by a long standing company name and dedication to integrity. Some of our specialties include; Interior and Exterior Painting, Drywall Installation, Repair, Patching, Faux Finishes, Pressure Washing and Color Matching to name a few. Read moreFounded 1979
    Screening Approved
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    Types of Service

    • Exterior Painting
    • Interior Painting

    Service Areas