Orange Painting is a company with over 16 years of experience in painting industry. From start to finish we give careful attention to every detail and pride ourselves in satisfying our customers by always providing excellent service on every project. Our ultimate goal is to build long lasting relationships with our clients – testimonials speak for themselves. We expect our products to stand the test of time and believe that it is important that you know we are properly licensed and insured to protect you and your property, which gives you peace of mind. We are proffesional Interior and Exterior painting, refinishing and staining services contractors We value every customer’s needs and there is never too small or too big project for Orange Painting. We are proud to announce that Orange Painting Company is holding an U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Certificate. On or after April 22, 2010 firms working in pre - 1978 homes and child-occupied facilities must be certified...Read More
Orange Painting is a company with over 16 years of experience in painting industry. From start to finish we give careful attention to every detail and pride ourselves in satisfying our customers by always providing excellent service on every project. Our ultimate goal is to build long lasting relationships with our clients – testimonials speak for themselves. We expect our products to stand the test of time and believe that it is important that you know we are properly licensed and insured to protect you and your property, which gives you peace of mind. We are proffesional Interior and Exterior painting, refinishing and staining services contractors We value every customer’s needs and there is never too small or too big project for Orange Painting. We are proud to announce that Orange Painting Company is holding an U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Certificate. On or after April 22, 2010 firms working in pre - 1978 homes and child-occupied facilities must be certified...Read More
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