Bakersons Painting offers great work at great price! A fresh coat of paint or stain can bring new life to rooms, add curb appeal to homes and commercial buildings, and help protect your investment for years to come. We are happy to bid on all types of painting, staining and interior design projects in the Columbus area. We will meet with you, at your convenience, and provide you with a free, written, detailed estimate - no surprise charges added after the fact. Locally owned and operated, we are a small company with big capabilities, including interior painting, exterior painting, commercial painting, deck finishing, and interior design. Chris Baker
Read moreFounded 2008
Bakersons Painting offers great work at great price! A fresh coat of paint or stain can bring new life to rooms, add curb appeal to homes and commercial buildings, and help protect your investment for years to come. We are happy to bid on all types of painting, staining and interior design projects in the Columbus area. We will meet with you, at your convenience, and provide you with a free, written, detailed estimate - no surprise charges added after the fact. Locally owned and operated, we are a small company with big capabilities, including interior painting, exterior painting, commercial painting, deck finishing, and interior design. Chris Baker
Read moreFounded 2008
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