Tony Pro Painting is Your Professional Difference. My name is Tony Aponte, President of Tony Pro Painting. As the owner of a painting company for the last 15 years, a potential customer will often ask: "Why should I choose your company - what is the difference between you and other painters?" My answer is: “Tony Pro Painting will turn your project into a work of art and guarantee it 100%”. This is our Professional Difference. In addition, I am committed to the following: Communication. We interface with our customers and teams to ensure painting projects are completed accurately, efficiently, and timely. We keep our customers informed before, during, and after the job. Safety. This is at all times first and foremost. The safety of your family and/or employees, your property and our employees is our most important responsibility. We take it seriously and are proud of our safety programs and accident-free record in the industry. Insured. We take pride in keeping and making...Read More
Tony Pro Painting is Your Professional Difference. My name is Tony Aponte, President of Tony Pro Painting. As the owner of a painting company for the last 15 years, a potential customer will often ask: "Why should I choose your company - what is the difference between you and other painters?" My answer is: “Tony Pro Painting will turn your project into a work of art and guarantee it 100%”. This is our Professional Difference. In addition, I am committed to the following: Communication. We interface with our customers and teams to ensure painting projects are completed accurately, efficiently, and timely. We keep our customers informed before, during, and after the job. Safety. This is at all times first and foremost. The safety of your family and/or employees, your property and our employees is our most important responsibility. We take it seriously and are proud of our safety programs and accident-free record in the industry. Insured. We take pride in keeping and making...Read More
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