Color Effects Painting is a residential and commercial painting company provides quality materials and work that will leave our customers happy and satisfied. With over 25 years of experience, no job is too big or small. We do interior, exterior, murals, wallpaper hanging, drywall repairs and finishing, power and soft washing. The difference between a great paint job and a mediocre one is in the preperation. Most painters can effectively put color on your walls, ceilings, and trim. But having the seasoned eye to fix and restore all of the small imperfections and tiny wall damages makes all the difference. We pay attention to detail and that's what turns a good wall into a great wall! We are an owner-operated business serving the greater Harrisburg area. Our painting staff consists of the most experienced painters and restoration specialists in the industry.
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Color Effects Painting is a residential and commercial painting company provides quality materials and work that will leave our customers happy and satisfied. With over 25 years of experience, no job is too big or small. We do interior, exterior, murals, wallpaper hanging, drywall repairs and finishing, power and soft washing. The difference between a great paint job and a mediocre one is in the preperation. Most painters can effectively put color on your walls, ceilings, and trim. But having the seasoned eye to fix and restore all of the small imperfections and tiny wall damages makes all the difference. We pay attention to detail and that's what turns a good wall into a great wall! We are an owner-operated business serving the greater Harrisburg area. Our painting staff consists of the most experienced painters and restoration specialists in the industry.
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