I have been in bussiness almost 4 years .I, don't sub any of my roofing jobs , the only job I might sub is the painting . My builders licensed expired in may I'm in the procces of renewing it . Roofers are not requied to have a license to do roofs it is required for projects over $10,000 most jobs are less than that but I, am getting for bigger jobs .
Founded 2006
I have been in bussiness almost 4 years .I, don't sub any of my roofing jobs , the only job I might sub is the painting . My builders licensed expired in may I'm in the procces of renewing it . Roofers are not requied to have a license to do roofs it is required for projects over $10,000 most jobs are less than that but I, am getting for bigger jobs .
Founded 2006
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