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Generations Home Maintenance Inc

Generations Home Maintenance Inc

PO Box 2785, Purcellville, VA 20134

Company Profile

Generations Home Maintenance was founded to meet the needs of home owners in a very unique way. We wanted to provide minimal cost preventive maintenance instead of costly reactive repairs. As founder of Generations, I have been working in the construction industry for almost 20 years. I served as superintendent and project manager for two of the largest home builders in the nation for 12 of those years. During that time, I developed many great relationships with my home owners as I strive to provide high quality work and customer service. Daily, I had discussions with home owners about how to properly maintain their new home. Many home owners didn't have the know-how, equipment or time to perform the needed maintenance on their home. This gave me the idea of starting a company to take care of regular home maintenance items for the average home owner. I have taken my years of experience and years of customer feedback to create a company that caters to today’s busy working...Read More
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Types of Service

  • Exterior Painting
  • Interior Painting

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    Company Profile

    Generations Home Maintenance was founded to meet the needs of home owners in a very unique way. We wanted to provide minimal cost preventive maintenance instead of costly reactive repairs. As founder of Generations, I have been working in the construction industry for almost 20 years. I served as superintendent and project manager for two of the largest home builders in the nation for 12 of those years. During that time, I developed many great relationships with my home owners as I strive to provide high quality work and customer service. Daily, I had discussions with home owners about how to properly maintain their new home. Many home owners didn't have the know-how, equipment or time to perform the needed maintenance on their home. This gave me the idea of starting a company to take care of regular home maintenance items for the average home owner. I have taken my years of experience and years of customer feedback to create a company that caters to today’s busy working...Read More
    Screening Approved
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    Types of Service

    • Exterior Painting
    • Interior Painting

    Service Areas